Season 2 Episode 7
Low-Country Friends

Oysters Rockefeller
2 Dozen Fresh Oysters (Halved)
(Reserve the oyster juice)
1 Stick Butter
1 16 oz. Can Spinach
1 Medium Yellow Onion (Diced very fine)
3 Bay Leaves
4 Strips of Bacon (finely chopped)
½ cup Progresso Italian Bread Crumbs
½ Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese
Worcestershire Sauce
1 cup Rock Salt
Shuck the oysters and reserve the liquid
Melt the butter and add the onions and bacon and cook over medium heat until the onions are translucent. Add bay leaves and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Add the drained spinach to the pot and stir to coat.
Lay out your oysters on a cookie sheet covered in rock salt.
Spoon ½ tsp of the oyster liquor and a dash of Worcestershire on each one. Cover the oysters with the spinach mixture and top with the breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.
Cook in a 450° oven for 10-15 minutes until golden.
Russo's Low-Country Boil
(feeds 6-8)
4 lbs. Large Georgia Wild Shrimp (26-30 count)
3 lbs. Chicken or Turkey Italian Sausage
12 Ears of White or Yellow Corn (halved)
5 lbs. Small Red Potatoes
6 Oz. Old Bay Seasoning
¼ cup salt
¼ cup White Vinegar
1½ Gallon Water
In a large stainless steel outdoor cooker, combine water, salt, vinegar, and seasoning and bring to a boil.
Add sausage and potatoes, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Add corn, cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
Turn heat off and add the shrimp. Let cook until you can’t see through them.
(DO NOT OVERCOOK HERE! Should only take about 3 minutes)
Drain the Low-Country and dump out on a table covered with a plastic table-cloth. Drawn butter, cocktail sauce, and lemons are a great way to kick it up another notch. You will need butter for the corn and potatoes and have some Old Bay for your guests to sprinkle on their meal!